Features related to mouse, windows, shortcuts, and others...

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Joined: 17.05.2012 23:08:43

Features related to mouse, windows, shortcuts, and others...

Postby alexmannx13 » 18.05.2012 00:09:42

First off, thank you for creating dexopt - it really makes things more convenient. I have tried out v1.5 usb portable and v1.6 on windows xp and windows 7. While configuring and using dexpot, I came across a few areas which I feel would further enhance this application.

- When assigning keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys for certain actions, at times there are hotkeys pre-assigned to windows that conflict with the desired hotkey. Is is possible to show in the information box what the conflicting hotkey assignment is, as supposed to an exclamation mark? Also, is it possible to override the windows hotkey with the new dexpot hotkey action, while dexpot is running?

- In the MouseEvents, can we have: start screensaver and lock session, as events triggered by moving the mouse to the screen corners?

- For the desktop cube animation, instead of having the cube rotate only left or right, can we have the cube rotate up and down as well? So, if I have a desktop of 2x2, and I wanted to go from desktop 1 to 4 via the cube, then the desktop would rotate up once and left once, as compared to rotating three times to get to desktop 4. So if the user had a bigger layout such as 5x5... the cube would rotate in the four directions to get to the desired desktop vs. continuous rotations to the left or right.

- Can we get the ability to resize windows to a predefined size (640x480, 800x600....), by right click on the maximize button? Also, can we have transparency when dragging or resizing windows? Speaking of dragging, sometimes a window's title bar is not accessible - can we have a method to drag the window body - such as via "Alt + left/right click" on the window body and drag to reposition the window?

- Can we have windows stick or reposition to certain areas of the screen by moving the windows to the screen corners and edges to occupy the: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-half, bottom-half, left-half, and right-half of the screen? Also, can the edges be "magnetic" to allow various windows to stick to each other?

- Is it possible to integrate a clipboard that can retain multiple copy event (Ctrl + C) history, so that the user can select which item to copy, and does not have to go back and forth recopying information which is used repeatedly?

- Is it possible to integrate a little scratchpad to take short notes? With the way I'm going, I'm tempted to ask for an alarm clock and timer...

I understand that I am asking for a lot of features. I am not sure if many of these suggestions have been considered - I didn't see them being requested in the forums. If needed, I would be able to help with developing some of the enhancements - I have not yet browsed through the sdk to get a grasp of the design.

Thank you for reading my requests. I look forward to your replies and suggestions.


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