Should I attempt to use Dexpot on new Windows install?

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Joined: 30.01.2014 19:35:09

Should I attempt to use Dexpot on new Windows install?

Postby jdop » 19.12.2019 23:50:47

The built in Virtual desktop feature is an embarrassment to Microsoft.

Already having problems with apps that behaved under Win 7 and Dexpot , not doing so under Win 10, in a new computer build.

I am concerned that there has been no new version for a long time, and don't want to have to deal with incompatibilities.

Are you folks using Dexpot under Win 10 without any major issues ? Would love to have it back !

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Joined: 30.01.2014 19:35:09

Re: Should I attempt to use Dexpot on new Windows install?

Postby jdop » 20.12.2019 06:10:46

Decided to go ahead and try it.

The W10 VD is so bad, I could not bear the thought of using it

So far , not bad. Seeing some weirdness with the Windows search feature. Not allowing me to type into it at the moment

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Joined: 30.01.2014 19:35:09

Re: Should I attempt to use Dexpot on new Windows install?

Postby jdop » 23.12.2019 18:57:37

so far , I'd say this is working at 99% under windows 10

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Joined: 04.08.2019 17:04:13

Re: Should I attempt to use Dexpot on new Windows install?

Postby fires3as0n » 13.04.2020 21:44:28

It is bugged on win 10 actually as window positions in taskbar are not saved between desktops switch, also win10 is not supported, it is mentioned in requirements.

Posts: 24
Joined: 30.01.2014 19:35:09

Re: Should I attempt to use Dexpot on new Windows install?

Postby jdop » 09.06.2020 06:29:17

It's a little buggy , but I open a Crapload of windows in multiple apps, and use a few desktops actively, with little issues

Windows sometimes stay hidden between switches but that isnt an win 10 issue, it happ in win 7 too

I'd say, if you like Dexpot , give it a try under w10

Shame the developer isn't actively updating.

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