Some windows appearing on all desktops

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Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby MickieZut » 05.10.2014 20:19:19

I have the same issue as described in the FAQ post with the same title as this one :

When I start Xojo ( or an application created with it, it appears on all desktops in Windows 7 and 8.1.

I tried to run Dexpot as administrator, as advised, but still the program appears in all desktops.

Is there anything I could try, or is there something to do in the code of the application that could prevent the issue ? Being able to detect which is the current desktop from inside the app for instance, so the program could be made Dexpot aware.

Thank you.

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Re: Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby spyhunter88 » 08.10.2014 04:17:51

I faced this problem too, while I use browser (MxNitro Browser, Opera), when I browse a website that need some seconds to response, I come back to other Desktop without MxNitro, when MxNitro get response, it's taskbar icon flash and in both windows, so it appears on both windows. And I can not close this app on each windows because they're one, close one will close two.


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Re: Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby jdop » 08.10.2014 05:25:44

I'm a long time happy Dexpot user, and just loaded it onto a new laptop.

Ver 1.6.14. Running Windows 8.1 x64 My main PC is running version 1.6.13, and Windows 7 x64 just so you know.

I have an app written in Java (Thinkorswim) which behaves fine on my PC where it only shows up on the desktop I've assigned it to , but on the new Laptop, its shows on ALL desktops, even after assigning it to desktop 1 only.

Wonder if it's the same issue as above? I set mode to Administrator, same as I have always done when using DExpot. '

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Re: Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby Patrick » 09.10.2014 16:32:25


MickieZut wrote:When I start Xojo ( or an application created with it, it appears on all desktops in Windows 7 and 8.1.

Can you send us a small sample application (doesn't have to do anything other than show a window) to demonstrate the problem?

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Re: Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby Patrick » 09.10.2014 16:39:31

spyhunter88 wrote:I faced this problem too, while I use browser (MxNitro Browser, Opera), when I browse a website that need some seconds to response, I come back to other Desktop without MxNitro, when MxNitro get response, it's taskbar icon flash and in both windows, so it appears on both windows.

Try "Settings > Plugins and Extras > Behavior of windows on other desktops".

And I can not close this app on each windows because they're one, close one will close two.

You have to use Dexpot's "Close on this desktop" command (e.g. Shift+Alt+F4 or right-click on title bar > Dexpot > Close) or move the window back to its desktop (e.g. using the Full-screen preview).

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Re: Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby Patrick » 09.10.2014 16:46:51

jdop wrote: I have an app written in Java (Thinkorswim) which behaves fine on my PC where it only shows up on the desktop I've assigned it to , but on the new Laptop, its shows on ALL desktops, even after assigning it to desktop 1 only.

Do you have a custom mywechsel.ini file on the main PC that's missing on the laptop? Any other difference in settings (Dexpot or Windows)?


Re: Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby jkibble » 05.12.2014 18:19:19

I too experience this with certain apps. I do a "custom" mywechsel.ini which I got from this forum to fix, all it contains is:

My behavior of windows on other desktop is set to switch to respective desktop.
The application which presents this issue the most is Outlook 2010, since it is a pos. It only happens when Outlook's main thread (does it have more than one?) is blocked and it is "unresponsive". When it is in this state any desktop I switch to will have a copy? of Outlook on it and I usually just move them to where they should be. I'm not sure what the result of closing the extra windows would be.

I also have Hyper-V manager which exists on all desktops but I think that is unrelated since the Dexpot menu doesn't even appear when you right click on the title bar. It is just one of those "special" applications which Microsoft decided to do completely differently for some reason and never tested.

I don't really care if either of these are fixed as they are minor annoyances but this post may at least provide some helpful information.

I also run Windows 10 build 9879 (if that matters) but I had the same issues with Windows 8 and 8.1

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Re: Some windows appearing on all desktops

Postby Patrick » 06.12.2014 22:45:09

jkibble wrote:The application which presents this issue the most is Outlook 2010, since it is a pos. It only happens when Outlook's main thread (does it have more than one?) is blocked and it is "unresponsive". When it is in this state any desktop I switch to will have a copy? of Outlook on it and I usually just move them to where they should be.

Yes, unresponsive windows will remain visible after a desktop switch. If they start to respond again shortly after the switch, they should be moved back to their desktop automatically.

I also have Hyper-V manager which exists on all desktops but I think that is unrelated since the Dexpot menu doesn't even appear when you right click on the title bar.

[FAQ] Some windows appearing on all desktops

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