Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

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Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 23.04.2011 15:43:59

I am having a hard time figuring out how to accomplish this. I only want my Vista Sidebar gadgets to show up on Desktop #1.

I have tried the solution that I found here and it didn't work

Can anyone provide any additional information?

PS I am just learning all the ins and outs of this fine program, so please be patient with me :)

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 23.04.2011 15:50:12


tmoca wrote:I have tried the solution that I found here and it didn't work

That should work. What exactly did you do?

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 23.04.2011 16:02:21

I deleted the lines and then I tried not only restarting both Dexpot and the Sidebar, but I also tried logging off. I am going to try a restart now and see it that works.

Does this entry have anything to do with the sidebar?

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 23.04.2011 16:09:45

Please post the full content of the wechsel.ini file after your modifications.

tmoca wrote:Does this entry have anything to do with the sidebar?

No, that's about Stardock ObjectBar.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 23.04.2011 16:12:09

Nope a restart did not work either.

Maybe this has something to do with it.

I have all of my gadgets (7 of them) detached from the actual sidebar so they are on my desktop. Then I have right clicked the transparent sidebar and closed it. This way I do not have the sidebar on the side and all of my gadgets stay on my desktop.

I am guessing this has something to do with the way it is being handled by Dexpot.

Any ideas how to manage it this way?

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 23.04.2011 16:31:31

tmoca wrote:Maybe this has something to do with it. I have all of my gadgets (7 of them) detached from the actual sidebar so they are on my desktop. Then I have right clicked the transparent sidebar and closed it.

No, doesn't matter. Again, please post the full content of the wechsel.ini file after your modifications.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 23.04.2011 16:47:17

For some reason this forum won't let me post the code....

Here is a screenshot

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 23.04.2011 16:59:48

Oh wow. Apparently our webhost's slightly overzealous security module thinks everything containing the phrase "Ultra_Mon" (without the underscore) is drug spam. Sorry for that... :giggle:

Send me the file via email. Edit: OK, a screenshot works too.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 23.04.2011 17:08:43

Strange, it definitely works for me with the exact same wechsel.ini.

Try the Gadgets plugin. Save the plugin file to C:\Program Files\Dexpot\plugins and then activate it in the "Plugins and Extras" section of the Dexpot settings.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 23.04.2011 17:44:59

I tried that already and I couldn't get all of the gadgets to hide. I am running vista. Also the Gadgets plugin, I couldn't configure. Am I supposed to be able to?

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 23.04.2011 21:34:56

Tried the plugin again and it does not work. At least not with my configuration. I am able to move gadgets with the Destop Windows option, but as soon as I swith desktops, a few of the gagdets reactivate themselves on that desktop.

I thought this would be a simple thing to resolve, but I guess not :(

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 23.04.2011 23:59:51

tmoca wrote:Tried the plugin again and it does not work. At least not with my configuration.

Well, what is your configuration? Do you use the default Microsoft gadgets or custom ones?

I am able to move gadgets with the Destop Windows option, but as soon as I swith desktops, a few of the gagdets reactivate themselves on that desktop.

Which ones? Is it always the same? Is there a pattern?

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 24.04.2011 14:15:19

There doesn't seem to be a pattern at all. But 99% of the time is the standard Weather and Stock gadgets.

Also the Configure button in the Gadget Plug in is not working for me. When the plugin is activated it changes color, but I can't click it. I have to right click the tray icon and choose Desktop Windows.

I have tried dragging the gadgets with the plugin, right clicking and selecting move, etc. They just don't seem to want to move off of the second desktop.

One other note. When the plug in is active, periodically, my mouse switch stops working and I have to restart Dexpot. I do not have this issue without the plug in running.

Finally, what is actually needing in that config file? I would like to trim it down so I know what I am looking at. I notice that I don't have some of the programs that are listed there. Is there a syntax that I can place at the front of the lines that are not needed to try and trouble shoot the issue?

Hope this helps.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 25.04.2011 19:43:50

Do you have access to another system running Vista or 7 where you could test this?

tmoca wrote:Also the Configure button in the Gadget Plug in is not working for me. When the plugin is activated it changes color, but I can't click it.

That's expected, the plugin doesn't have a configuration dialog of its own.

Finally, what is actually needing in that config file?

Depends on what programs you use. If you want, you can run Dexpot with an empty wechsel.ini to rule out a connection.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 26.04.2011 11:19:02

Patrick wrote:Do you have access to another system running Vista or 7 where you could test this?

Yes, I will try it today sometime and get back with you.

Depends on what programs you use. If you want, you can run Dexpot with an empty wechsel.ini to rule out a connection.

I deleted everything in the ini file, still the same results with the sidebar gadgets. I also re-tried the plugin with the ini cleared with the same results.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 26.04.2011 15:26:04

Okay, so I tried in on another machine and it worked.

So I then uninstalled it on the machine having the problem and reinstalled. It worked, but then I got the alert for the OpenCandy adware that has been discussed here. I chose to delete. Then I noticed that it was doing it again. (not sure if there is a link or not)

I again uninstalled and reinstalled. No alert from Windows Defender this time...yet. If I get it, I will chose ignore...

I then exited Dexpot and restarted it and BAM....same problem again! AARRGGHHH.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 26.04.2011 15:40:00

tmoca wrote:It worked, but then I got the alert for the OpenCandy adware that has been discussed here. I chose to delete. Then I noticed that it was doing it again. (not sure if there is a link or not)

No link. When you choose delete, what it deletes is only the Dexpot setup file. :wink:

So... what's the difference between the two machines? Which applications are running in the background on the one with the problem?

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 26.04.2011 16:00:04

Think I found the problem. At least I have been able to duplicate it over and over.

If I check "Run As Administrator" then I close and re open Dexpot the sidebar stays. If I uncheck that option, all works as it should.

So far that seems to be the issue. FYI - I am the only user on the the machine. I do not log in as admin although I have admin rights.

Any idea on the Start button orb being cropped? BTW - Out of curiousity I installed the prortable version and the orb is fine with that one.

I will continue playing with the settings to see if I can duplicate the sidebar issues another way, but I think that Run As Admin tick is the problem

I will also continue to see if I can find out what causes the cropped orb.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby Patrick » 26.04.2011 16:45:28

tmoca wrote:Any idea on the Start button orb being cropped?

Add "Button=ignore" back to the wechsel.ini.

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Re: Vista Side Bar only on Desktop 1 - PLZ Help

Postby tmoca » 26.04.2011 16:46:54

When I reinstalled, I didn't mess with ini at all (except for the sidebar entries) and it the start menu was working, so that entry is still there.

I may have found the issue though. If I install Dexpot in the default folder C:\Program Files\Dexpot, I get the Orb crop issue. Same thing if I install the portable there too.

I even took ownership of the Dexpot folder to see if that would solve the orb problem and it didn't

So I installed it in the root. If I install either of them in the root "C:\Dexpot\" Then the both work and the orb is not cropped on additional desktops.

I would assume this is somehow related to rights as well.

I love your program and want to see it thrive. I hope that I have pointed out some issues that can be addressed or look at in future releases...unless of course I am the only one having the issues :)

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