Interactive Full Screen Preview Enhancements

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Interactive Full Screen Preview Enhancements

Postby SPV2008 » 16.04.2014 02:00:55

I think there are a few features that may make Dexpot even better.

When you're in the interactive full screen preview, it'd be useful to be able to type and allow it to search through the applications open. Meaning it'd find what you have typed through the entire title of the application and the name of it to see if it contains what is written, then it would display the matching applications only, hiding the rest from the view until the search was cancelled by an X button by the search box, or by leaving the preview and returning back to it.

It'd also be useful if the tabs of an application could be shown, or multiple windows of an application could be shown, then grouped together, so they're stacked on top of each other. This would be similar to mac's mission control in appearance, but with the stacks being in each desktop preview, rather than all together. These stacks could be utilised for tabs in applications such as Chrome, Firefox, Clover, etc.

To enhance the experience further, it'd be useful to have it so that when hovering the mouse over a window and pressing space, the application would enlarge to nearly all of the desktop preview until the space bar is released, for a quick glance at the application. The aforementioned stacks would also be expanded out to be able to see within them and then with the left and right arrow key, the stacked application/tab could be expanded to the preview and then the up arrow would show all of the items contained in that stack.

Also, I'm not sure if you guys would be able to get the APIs anymore, but is there any chance of integration with objectdock, i.e. a docklet to allow quick switching between desktops? similar to Cairo dock's workspace switcher for Linux.

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