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Dynamic "task-based" workspaces

Posted: 15.02.2014 20:19:00
by KoryuObihiro
As a heavy GNOME 3 user while I'm booting in my Linux installs, I have fallen in love with the capability of having dynamic "task-oriented" workspaces (YouTube demonstration from GNOME here: whose number is dynamically changed based upon the number of workspaces currently with applications in them. The basic algorithm goes like this:

Code: Select all

//pseudo code!
start with 1 workspace
logic loop
    if last workspace has applications
        dynamically add another workspace
    if any workspace is empty and is not the last workspace
        remove it

This is my basic understanding of how the GNOME 3 algorithm works, and it's excellent for myself where I have to think about where to put things when I have a static number of workspaces. When it's dynamic, it becomes easier to make in terms of tasks where I can place all applications that are open central to a certain task (development for open-source project, development for work, research on a certain topic, chatting with the family, homework, etc.).

What say you, Dexpot community?