Move activated minimized windows to current desktop

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Move activated minimized windows to current desktop

Postby kherock » 04.04.2013 05:13:05

I use Dexpot primarily to imitate the desktop manger of OS X 10.7+ and it does it pretty well with the right options. I have in the Switching Desktop tab the Keep all taskbar buttons visible checked and in the Plugins and Extras tab When activating a window on another desktop set to Switch to the respective desktop, since these both match the OS X behavior. However, with the last setting, restoring minimized windows from the taskbar will now also switch to the desktop it was last active on. This program has overcome a lot of obstacles I though would be present considering how closed-source Windows is, so I feel this shouldn't be too hard. Adding a little tickbox in the other window behavior in the extras tab would be nice.


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