Desktop Manager Z-oder Control and Context Menu Support

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Desktop Manager Z-oder Control and Context Menu Support

Postby TSAElement » 12.09.2012 14:50:10

First let me say thank you for the amazing application you've given us! I love it and use it everyday. Second, I scanned the forums and didn't come up with anything related to this post but if it does exist my apologies...

First request:
I use the desktop manager to send files from one desktop to another, and it works well, but I'd like z-order control so it is not always on screen. As we speak my browser window is full screen, but the desktop manager icons are in view and more often than not get in the way.

Second request:
I'd like to be able to select from a list of desktops directly from the context menu that is populated when I right click a desktop item, and send that desktop item to the selected desktop (as a move, not a copy).

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work! :D

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Re: Desktop Manager Z-oder Control and Context Menu Support

Postby Patrick » 13.09.2012 14:02:12


TSAElement wrote:I use the desktop manager to send files from one desktop to another, and it works well, but I'd like z-order control so it is not always on screen.

Right-click on the Desktop Manager's background and uncheck the option "Always on top".

I'd like to be able to select from a list of desktops directly from the context menu that is populated when I right click a desktop item, and send that desktop item to the selected desktop (as a move, not a copy).

Already planned. :ok:

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Re: Desktop Manager Z-oder Control and Context Menu Support

Postby TSAElement » 13.09.2012 18:24:37

Patrick wrote:Right-click on the Desktop Manager's background and uncheck the option "Always on top".

Well now I feel silly. I've always used them with a transparent background, so it would appear the right-click options are not available until the background is visible. Thank you so much!

Patrick wrote:Already planned. :ok:

Great! Can't wait. :D

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Re: Desktop Manager Z-oder Control and Context Menu Support

Postby Sebastian » 13.09.2012 18:29:45


TSAElement wrote:I've always used them with a transparent background, so it would appear the right-click options are not available until the background is visible.

right-click somewhere in Desktop Manager, keep the mouse button pressed while moving your cursor out of Desktop Manager's margin. Release your right mouse button. The menu should appear. :)
Best regards (wave)
Sebastian Brands, Dexpot GbR

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