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Define shortcut key for moving up/down

Posted: 24.04.2011 07:24:07
by dkarr
If I add the taskbar plugin, I can create a configuration with multiple rows. I can also use keyboard shortcuts to move between desktops. However, I only have the option to move to the left or the right. If I have multiple rows, I'd like to be able to move to the desktop above or below the current one. I can do that with the mouse, but I'd really rather use the keyboard shortcut.

Re: Define shortcut key for moving up/down

Posted: 24.04.2011 09:38:34
by Patrick

Re: Define shortcut key for moving up/down

Posted: 24.04.2011 19:57:21
by dkarr
Ok, but this still isn't clear. There doesn't appear to be any configuration dialog for this plugin, or any instructions that tell me what new functionality it provides. I have it installed, but it doesn't appear to do anything.

I would think the Dexpot documentation would have a list of known plugins, as opposed to having them mentioned in occasional web forum postings.

Re: Define shortcut key for moving up/down

Posted: 24.04.2011 20:06:59
by Patrick
dkarr wrote:I have it installed, but it doesn't appear to do anything.

Check the screenshot. It adds new hotkeys to switch up and down.

Re: Define shortcut key for moving up/down

Posted: 24.04.2011 20:16:42
by dkarr
Got it. Thanks.