Dexgrid - Numeric Keypad

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Joined: 16.05.2014 16:21:20

Dexgrid - Numeric Keypad

Postby emperorearth » 16.05.2014 16:49:18

Let me first say that I very much enjoy your program.

There is one easily implemented and yet pragmatically impactful feature I'd like to request.

I use 6 or 9 desktops with your program, 1-6 or 1-9 in 2 rows of 3 or 3 rows of 3.

I would like there to be an option where the desktops are arranged as:


instead of:


to match the numeric keypad.

Then, when I [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Num1] vs [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Num4], Desktop4 is properly ABOVE Desktop1 as it matches my keypad.

The only hack I can think of right now is to rename the desktops, but it seems clumsy versus a toggle option for "Reverse Dexgrid" or "Flight Control Style Dexgrid" or "Numeric Keypad Dexgrid" etc.

Hopefully, this makes sense.

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