'use' applications directly from 'Full screen preview

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Joined: 16.08.2013 02:02:21

'use' applications directly from 'Full screen preview

Postby Funk1 » 16.08.2013 02:23:35


What I would personally find really REALLY useful is the ability to use applications within desktops while remaining in full screen preview mode.

So currently from full screen preview mode one can move applications between desktops, and also one can select a desktop to zoom into.

But I want to actually use an application from full screen preview mode without zooming into that desktop, and without zooming into that application.

Imagine if I had 9 desktops, and each had an application running that I need to watch, and respond to occasionally by enter some data into it. I have one very large hi-def monitor, and the applications I'm running do not require much screen real estate - and so resolution is not a problem. I don't wish to 'switch' to each desktop before entering the data into each application. Rather I would simply click on the application viewed from the fullscreen preview, and start entering data. That application becomes active (but does not zoom into focus - instead remains in its place and size inside the desktop concerned, inside the full screen preview layout).

This would, for me, be immensely useful!

(The 9 applications I'm running each launch children windows. I've found that Dexpot is very useful to consign each application - and hence its children windows to a unique Dexpot desktop. And these 9 applications are closed and restarted often. Without Dexpot the applications and their child windows pop up on top of each other.)


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