minimized hung window on another desktop shows up on all

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minimized hung window on another desktop shows up on all

Postby virtualose » 07.10.2014 11:27:23

When a window in another desktop hangs, it turns up on current (and all) desktops. If it was minimized then the rules don't apply to it either automatically or by "apply rules" shortcut key or from the button on rules manager window. You have to maximize it and then hit apply rules to send it back to it's intended desktop. So annoying when random windows in background gets hang for even just a little bit and they show up in my current and all desktops.

You can test it out using resource monitor in which there's an option to "suspend" the window which practically hangs the application. Just suspend a program whose window is minimized in another desktop.

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Re: minimized hung window on another desktop shows up on all

Postby Patrick » 09.10.2014 16:30:02


I did test it with the latest Dexpot version on Windows 8.1, but was unable to reproduce the problem. Here's what I tried: start Notepad on Desktop 1, minimize its window, switch to Desktop 2, suspend the Notepad process. Nothing happened, Notepad did not appear in the taskbar on Desktop 2.

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