Customized Desktop Icons on Unlocking Computer

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Customized Desktop Icons on Unlocking Computer

Postby Akuji » 06.03.2005 21:39:58

First let me thank you for providing this excellent program. I've tried quite a few virtual desktop programs, and I believe that yours is indeed the best so far!

I am having a small problem with my custom icons for each virtual desktop. I have a custom set for each of my 4 desktops. When I lock the computer, using Windows XP SP2, by pressing (windows key)+L the computer locks as normal. When I unlock the computer by typing in my password all the icons for every virtual desktop appears on the virtual desktop that I was on when I locked the computer.

I do have the "customize desktop icons" selected, and I have customized each desktop's icons using "Desktop Windows/Icons".

As a getaround the issue I've set up an easy hotkey to "Reload Icons From Current Profile", but I was wondering if there was something else I could do?

Thanks again for a great product!


Postby Guest » 07.03.2005 06:53:37


The problem seems to have solved itself. I don't recall changing any options, and it appears that I cannot get the issue to occur again.

On another note, I seem to have some trouble with programs that are designed to stay on all desktops. A good example is winamp. If I constantly switch between desktops I will sometimes lose part of my winamp program. That is, I will retain the playlist portion of the program but I will lose the main program window. Not really a dire issue, but something to note none the less.



Customized Desktop Icons on Unlocking Computer

Postby auceto » 22.03.2005 09:41:53

HI Akuji,

I've encountered the same problem and I'll try to solve it with various settings without solution...

the only way to have a partial solution is to uncheck the mark in Control Panel - Screen - ScreenSaver ... now I don't know how traslate in english this settings (I've an italian Windows version) so I'll try to explain you: it's on the right to the elapsed time setting.

This is a partial workaround because when the system go in standby status (I've a notebook) the system input password windows appears and the problem persist.

I hope that the final solution will be in next release.


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Re: Customized Desktop Icons on Unlocking Computer

Postby Patrick » 26.03.2005 11:12:19

Nmorgen. :dex:

auceto wrote:I hope that the final solution will be in next release.

It's hard to solve a aproblem that isn't even reproducible. When I lock the computer (XP SP2), set it to standby, or start the screensaver and then log in again, the icons remain fully unchanged...


Customized Desktop Icons on Unlocking Computer

Postby auceto » 28.03.2005 22:28:01

Hi, Patric

I know, something it's impossible (I'm programmer too)... but I prove this and prove it again: the icon are repeated to the first desktop, all on the left side of the screen, and this is then only problem that I find in this program: it's a pity. I may describe you my OS but I don't think that this is useful for you. I remember that I've created all icons in the first desktop and I move after in the final position using the "Fenster" utility...
Tell me how I can help you to solve the problem

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