How to open a new instance of Excel even if an instance is open in another desktop

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How to open a new instance of Excel even if an instance is open in another desktop

Postby Obelix27 » 07.09.2020 11:56:36

I have a very big slow unresponsive spreadsheet permanently open in Excel in Desktop 2.

If I open a new spreadsheet in Desktop 1 and an instance of Excel is not already running in Desktop 1, then it loads the spreadsheet into the instance of Excel in Desktop 2. How can I force it to open a new instance of Excel in Desktop 1 (unless an instance is already running in Desktop 1)?

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Joined: 07.09.2020 11:48:32

Re: How to open a new instance of Excel even if an instance is open in another desktop

Postby Obelix27 » 14.07.2021 15:52:32


It seems to me my question is how multiple desktops should behave, and how my old Sun workstation from the 90s behaved! I.e. that the desktops should be essentially independent of each other.

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Re: How to open a new instance of Excel even if an instance is open in another desktop

Postby traycerb » 29.08.2021 06:16:06

sorry i can't help.

in general with dexpot, programs on one desktop will sometimes shift into another when i switch. it's not all the time, and i'm still not sure how or why, but it happens to my browser often, esp if i have lots of tabs open. Maybe it has to do with some process that's finishing, not sure.

But excel's behavior is different than that, like what you describe. i just tried it, and it's unlike other programs, even office. i can open up a new word document in another desktop no issues. but with excel it pulls the previous document over to the other desktop. perhaps you can create a dexpot rule using the window title to move it back.

i too wish there was a cleaner separation. dexpot hasn't been updated in a while, which is sad, because it's still leagues better than anything else, but it does have these little issues that make for a less than smooth usage.

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