Background Color Reverts to Desktop 1 Image in Windows 10

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Background Color Reverts to Desktop 1 Image in Windows 10

Postby Nitrobob » 29.06.2020 20:10:23

I am running Windows 10 Version 1909 and I have a background problem. My main desktop has an image that serves as the background across two monitors. Desktops 2 through 4 each have a different solid color for the background and Monitor 2 is set to not change. When I switch to Desktops 2 through 4, the correct background appears for six seconds and then reverts to the image that is on Desktop 1. I Have been unable to determine how to retain the correct solid background on Desktops 2 through 4. Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Background Color Reverts to Desktop 1 Image in Windows 10

Postby Nitrobob » 29.06.2020 22:14:24

UPDATE: After additional consideration of what might be causing the solid color backgrounds on Desktops 2 through 4 to revert to the image from Desktop 1, I remembered that I am using DisplayFusion to configure my monitors. I noted that in the Desktop Wallpaper settings I had checked the box that said Allow DisplayFusion to manage the Desktop Wallpaper. It was on that screen that I noticed a button titled Wallpaper Settings at the bottom of the screen.

When I opened it, I saw a list of additional options. The one that caught my attention was" Autofix wallpaper images when wallpaper feature is enabled." It seemed as if that might be the reason why the image was being persistent, so I unchecked the option and tested. That resolved the issue and now the solid color backgrounds for Desktops 2 through 4 are no longer reverting to the image.

That said, the change triggered DisplayFusion to show an alert notification that another program had changed the wallpaper setting each time I switched between desktops. I was able to resolve that issue as well, but unfortunately, I didn't document the change as I made it and I was distracted by a phone call. Now I am unable to tell you how I managed to fix the issue. If I ever make that discovery, I will pas it along here.

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Re: Background Color Reverts to Desktop 1 Image in Windows 10

Postby Sebastian » 01.07.2020 08:47:49


Nitrobob wrote:If I ever make that discovery, I will pass it along here.

that'd be great.
Best regards (wave)
Sebastian Brands, Dexpot GbR

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Joined: 29.06.2020 19:26:24

Re: Background Color Reverts to Desktop 1 Image in Windows 10

Postby Nitrobob » 01.07.2020 22:01:19

Eureka! Here is a screenshot.

Settings > Advanced Settings > General > Disable Tray Notifications for Background Calls
DisplayFusion Setting.png
DisplayFusion Setting.png (257.31 KiB) Viewed 7720 times

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