Dexpot started to crash at startup

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Joined: 02.12.2017 16:20:06

Dexpot started to crash at startup

Postby Amaury » 02.12.2017 16:39:46

I was using Dexpot 1.6 with Win10 (64-bit) for several month with great pleasure but for about 1 month Dexpot is not working anymore.
when starting Dexpot, I have a message :
"L'instruction à 0x000000000077C5279B emploie l'adresse mémoire 0x0000000002131000. L'état de la mémoire ne pas être read."
that is "The instruction at 0x000000000077C5279B use memory address 0x0000000002131000. The state of the memory cannot be read"
and the dexpot application terminates. The notification icons disappeared when mouse go over them.
I tried to reinstall from recent version on internet but no change.
I have the same crash when restarting manually Dexpot even when antivirus (avast) and firewall (comodo) are disabled.
Same when starting dexpot as administrator.
Win10 is up-to-date.
The memory address indicated are not always the same as above.

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